Number 1 Way to get Massive Traffic for Free

Number 1 way to get Massive Traffic for FREE without surfing for it…

How to get massive traffic for free, without having to surf for it, sounds a little hypey off the mark, but bear with me…  You can do this!  You can have a ton of hungry opportunity seekers visiting your website from the free traffic exchanges,  without having to surf for that traffic, yourself.

Some time ago, I created a really simple, ugly website that explained a dumb system I’ve used for years and years that gets me a massive traffic for free.

How to get Massive Free Traffic

Frankly, this traffic isn’t worth a whole lot by itself, but that doesn’t matter, because it becomes gold over time, and it doesn’t cost me anything!

Disclaimer:  Certain links on this site are affiliate links for which the owner is remunerated for sales and/or leads.

Even better, when you use the super easy leverage trick I’m about to share with you, the amount of free traffic you get will astonish you!  

Okay.  START HERE and get the basic system set up.  That is the BASIC system and it works very well, just exactly as it is explained on that page.

However, the real magic begins when you leverage it up.  More on that in a minute…

A lot of people who are trying to make money on line are struggling to get traffic to their sales pages.  They know that without that traffic, they are dead in the water.  Everybody knows you need a ton of traffic in order to make money.

So… what a lot of people do is surf free traffic exchanges in exchange for having other people, just like them, also surfing free traffic exchanges, see their site and hopefully click on something and buy it…


There is a reason why people surf free traffic exchanges!

The reason they are surfing free traffic exchanges is because they don’t want to spend money on traffic, either, so they just keep on clicking and clicking without ever buying so they can get you to do the same in return.  That doesn’t sound very profitable, does it?

What ISN’T often mentioned is the REASON why all those surfers aren’t buying.  It’s because the stuff being sold is potions and pills, boots, books, cowboy hats, cars, vacations, cottages, etc…. Anything but what all those surfers really want.

What DO traffic exchange surfers want?

I’ll give you a hint.  It’s not free traffic.  Oh, yes… they will do a lot of work for free traffic, but what they really want is to make money.  The free traffic is what they hope will make money for them.  It’s like the prospectors during the gold rush.  They bought picks and shovels, but that’s not what they wanted.  They wanted the gold.

The fact of history is, though, that the people selling the picks and shovels to dig up the gold made far more money than the vast number of people who hit the gold fields.  That’s because they were sitting in FRONT of all the people coming to the gold fields, and they had the TOOLS that everybody needed to dig up the gold, once they got there.

If you can get ahead of all the surfers who are clicking away for traffic without spending your money on  traffic, imagine what you can do if you can supply something they all want.  That something is not what this article is about (visit HERE for ideas on that).  This article is about getting a massive amount of traffic for free, so that you CAN focus on getting in front of this traffic with those things that will get their attention.

Very simply, there are some KEY sites to join where you can vastly multiply your time, without sitting there like everybody else click, click, clicking.

You need a system

Get your system set up as we describe HERE, but first do something that is not yet mentioned on that page.  Get a dedicated Gmail account for all your traffic exchange accounts, first.  Then only use that account to sign up for each traffic exchange.  Make sure to edit all your existing accounts so that you have the same Gmail account for all of them.

Make sure all your traffic exchange affiliate IDs are updated on your TE Command Post site.  That site is like gold for keeping track of all your credits, alone, plus it has a lot of other things to help you out.

Check your Gmail account daily.  What you will find is that some of the traffic exchanges send you lots of mail, but each one has a link in it that will give you a LOT of credits if you click the link.  Often, you can get 100 to 200 credits with one click, which would take you an hour to get if you sat there clicking.   By doing this, and following the instructions on TEXTRAFFIC, you will quickly be amassing tens of thousands of credits, rather than a few thousand or less.

Command Post
Photo by Sora Shimazaki

Finally, and this is the REAL secret for making all this work for FREE without spending all day clicking:  Visit this special link:  HERE.  Please don’t share that link openly.  I am doing this as an experiment to see who follows instructions.  Those who do will be well rewarded. You will get massive traffic for free if you follow the instructions carefully.

If you would like to fine tune this information even further, there’s still one more simple trick not listed here.  For my newsletter subscribers, I will let you in on this one little trick that has saved me hours and hours.  Just subscribe HERE, then put a comment below (scroll way down to the comments section) telling me you just subscribed.  If you do that, I will sent you a private message to the email you subscribed with sharing this secret with you.

If you have any questions, tips or tricks, please share them in the comments!

Dave Cottrell is opinionated, compassionate, and passionate about people, marketing and online business. He does a lot of digging, experimenting and research, and writes like crazy about a wide variety of topics and subjects. He is the owner of many websites and blogs; you can read his rants and find out more about him at This article can be shared freely as long as this box remains intact. Copyright © 2021 David H. Cottrell. All rights reserved.