Bloglovin’ Blog Sharing

Bloglovin’ Blog Sharing Community – a great way to get known

The Bloglovin’ blog sharing community is a good way to gain exposure for your own blog.  It’s a really good way to see what others are doing, and to get new ideas, too.

A lot of – okay, most of – the blog sharing platforms and billboards that have been created over the years are not very good.  Rather than profiling the blogs in an eye-catching, interesting and searchable way, they just list all the blogs like they old free for all link sites.  Some have also tried using click through programs, exclusively geared toward blogs.Bloglovin' blog sharing

The problems with all these ideas is that they don’t create any sense of community.  The success of social media is due almost entirely to their ability to create community.  The ones who create the greatest sense of community among members are the ones who grow the fastest and most.  That’s why Facebook and Twitter are so huge.  That’s why virtually all photo and music sharing/showcasing sites began allowing conversations on their sites, too.

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The truth is, those who do not create community don’t last.  Without a conversation, people quickly move on to where the conversation is taking place.

This is why I personally love the Bloglovin’ blog sharing community.  It is a beautiful layout.  It’s 100% searchable, meaning you can find information on virtually anything you can think of.  The layout offers easy buttons for liking, sharing and subscribing, just to start the conversation.  Of course, to really get into the conversation, you need to actually look at the blog and join in the comment section.  But Bloglovin’ makes it easy to do.

There are a lot of high quality blogs on Bloglovin’, including the one put up by the administrators.  It’s worth a look and maybe a lot of reading!

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